Permaculture Design Courses

Symbiotic Nature with Grounded Permaculture presents Change Makers Permaculture Design Course

Crystal Waters Eco Village, Sunshine Coast Hinterland Queensland

A Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is an empowering and life changing initiation back into reclaiming our future. This 72hr immersion is designed to reconnect you to the natural earth sciences and develop design skills and knowledge to apply Permaculture thinking towards exciting solutions to every day or global challenges.

Permaculture Design Courses

Permaculture College Australia

Djanbung Gardens, Nimbin New South Wales

A Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is an empowering and life changing initiation back into reclaiming our future. This 72hr immersion is designed to reconnect you to the natural earth sciences and develop design skills and knowledge to apply Permaculture thinking towards exciting solutions to every day or global challenges.

Permaculture Design Courses

Permapixie Geo Farm Victoria

Our Permaculture Design Course focuses on creative facilitation which is fun, engaging and hands on.

We believe that there are many ways in which people can learn, and try to cover as many teaching styles as possible in order to compliment individual learning styles.

Join us for an interative, hands on, creative, practical and immersive Permaculture Course!

Permaculture Design Courses

Crystal Waters Eco Village

Conondale Queensland

For the third year Annaliese joins the Permaculture Course “plus” team at Crystal Waters led by Max Lindegger. Joining them are a unique lineup of very experienced Guest Presenters including: Robin Clayfield, Barry Goodman, Richard Mochelle and Leanne Harper (Home Soil Solutions).

Crystal Waters developed over 30 years ago along Permaculture principles and now houses over 220 people of all ages in 83 properties, on the 650 acres of bushland at the headwaters of the Mary River. Abounding with wildlife and birdlife, Crystal Waters is a nature sanctuary worth experiencing.

Advanced Permaculture Programs

For people ready to build and refine their professional development go beyond the PDC. Participants must have completed at least one PDC to attend.

Interactive Presentations

We retain far more information when we are actively participating in learning something new. Interactive presentations are designed to support a variety of learning styles (visual Audio Kinaesthetic), bring in laughter and invite contributions from others. Often accompanied by visual aids, illustrating photographs, game cards or fact sheets and discovery processes to name a few – interaction is the key to engaged learning for the world we are seeking to Create together.

Workshops hands on

Explore a range of ethnobotanical plant people relationships through a variety of experiential workshops and presentations. Annaliese can tailor sessions to the interest of the participants.

Permaculture Pilgrimages

Site visits to outstanding locations engaged with sustainability and learning experiences with inspiring Permaculture practitioners

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